
Ima gonna write something its a gonna be at leaslt midiocer I wish i could spell mediocer

Starting from scratch is hard. Believe me, I know. I've started from scratch ever since I started in Scratch; the county, a two mile wide thirty mile long slice of land. A land of turf wars. To survive in Scratch never know thy neighbor. 

"Where you from handsome"? "Scratch". The lovely bartender in the most colorful corset scratchy eyes could ever see turns abruptly and pours five shots of whisky. I noticed she grabbed a bottle from a good height on the shelf, not top, but not firewater either. "Respect". She turns and smiles. "Damn". That was her tip and she knows it, but I know something too. That smile wasn't courteous, I know a real smile when I see one. I wait, not moving a mussel as she sets the five shots in front of me. "Here you go" she decides to make eye contact. I shift in my seat and send my perfected smile her way. She doesn't waver. We stare into each other's eyes. The rest of the bar fades to black. The record keeps spinning but I don't hear it. Just muffled sounds as my hand grabs the first shot. Downed with no sound, no broken eye contact and no grimace. The second shot. She's smiling now. Third. Pause for five seconds. Grab the forth and fifth shot glasses in a swoop, while lifting my left arm in defense as I swing around the bar stool. I could hear the guy who thought he was sneaking up on me patiently waiting for that fourth shot. No surprises since we were in the fourth ward. My left arm hit his wrist making him drop the bottle he was toting, so during my free time I had just awarded myself, I downed the last two shots sloppily reacting to the burn. The assailant was a bitch who got intimidated by my dark side; he took three steps back as my tongue came out my mouth and I yelled "arrr" like a pirate. "You loose"! Spinning back to the right on my right foot, I use the momentum to throw the glasses at the bartender like gambit. "13th Ward Scratch ya herd me" it wasn't a question. They heard. 

i kinda feel like i should let this cool off before I go too far with it and stuff..   it's only two paragraphs but I want the story to be so much more than it is in my head currently. so with time blossom greatness?    I think I'll continue just to set the direction..  actually I'll continue because if I don't I may never hear the rest of the story.  


That's every fucking day where we're from man! Don't pretend like you don't remember them days. Every day you walk into an establishment there's an issue about how far from home you are. Like like we may as well be fucking tourists passing by that had to stop for bread milk and eggs otherwise we aint shopping without a fight. "You know I know all this already." "You're not even from thirteenth ward nigga, that story is so played out." I always tell it because I know you hate it, you will always be a thirteenth nigga trying to protect his turf. Right? You sit there contemplating something quietly to yourself. Mosquitoes bite your fingertips and you just hold you hand up and experience it. What is on your mind? I'm pacing now. We are at a rest stop fifty miles from the closest tip of home. Scratch home, just fifty miles away from Scratch. You're sitting on a stone pick-nick table absent minded while I pretty much talk to myself. The parking lot is down a path and to the left. I look towards it and keep pacing. Empty except for one RV parked very close to the entrance of the path and on fire. "Is a nigga asking for advice or action?" You're upfront and closed off at the same time. I don't know what exactly I want - "that's your problem" I I ugh I just know that I don't want to be here next to the ashes with a can full of gas. You pause, stand up off the table, kick over a small can of gas and sit back on the table. Gas pours out of the can and coats the grass. "And how are you feeling now?" Like fighting. 


This is where I leave you.  I will hopefully have many stories of our times together as bad ass gods on this hell of a planet 


Peace Love Harmony 

Kill it with fire 

my god is the sun


ive had fun here with you guys..   I'm glad it came out this way and that way and the other way.  if it were any other way I'd be subway but not in the way that subway liked kids.