Giving the Title away
I have a tik tok uploading and I need to type something out that i can paste on the video for the robot to read. I thought about starting with Once upon a time or starting with Follow into the cellar door”” then going off on some tangent that the story creates. but then the tangent is always “so and so read in the New York Times”
alpha foul soup
Mystical in Mundane
Evaluation for Love
Unimportant Trips to the Bank
The Art of Not Playing
humanity presents the opportunity to pick good or evil over and over and over and over and over and over and most humans play the game.. i pick good i pick evil i pick good i pick good i pick good i pick evil i pick evil i pick good and so on
the trick with the first level of the game is that you don't need to play.. both good and evil are the wrong answer...