markdown is present
an dyslexia exercise
if one wants
this is a thing i thought of and had
no where
to post
i totally just wasted my cigarette trying to type some dumb stuff
i regret it
wrong answers only
i recently like maybe 5 months ago did some research on dyslexia.. and what i found was very fun for me. it was about how dyslexia is actually beneficial in like 4 areas.. also there was this theory that dyslexia is basically the opposite condition to autism.. like autism is short brain synapses and dyslexia is long brain synapses.. benefits are things like being able to imagine objects in a manipulable state, a greater grasp on bigger picture thinking, high empathy, and foresight in the area of cause and effect.
To think that the letters one would normally get wrong are that way because of a three denominational thought space. p and d and b are the same shape in different positions therefore one is not wrong to type p instead of b.. just disoriented,
the thing i wanted to type in the first place
if you were to let your mind go and type what you think. while at the same time, analyzing what it is that you are thinking of.
is there a direct relation to the words thought and then typed? do you focus on the words themselves in order to spell them out? if you are spelling out words, do you think of each letter when typing?
while i am typing it is direct word to appearance. the words do lengthen to the time it takes to type them out.. but even when the process of spelling and typing are “automatic reflex”
I googled that term btw
there still appears the classic dyslexia mishaps. also the words i don’t know how to spell are not even considered when i’m trying to spell them over and over again.. never do i really think of which letter i am typing on the keyboard but sometimes i can feel the mistakes.. i know when a keystroke is out of place but i dont know how many keystrokes nor their order. i do know when the order is wrong.
this process of typing is some magic shit if i ever seen it..
recently i watched a movie called Revolver and it was about how the ego is man’s real enemy if man has any enemy.. there were even psychologists sited at then end during the credits.. the whole movie there was the inner monologue and there ends up being the twist that the monologue is the culprit ..
typing is the direct link to the culprit .. i don’t know how i feel about this but also i think that this form of speech is too quick for the ego to insert anything too horrible.…
here we shall take the mistakes to the bank.
no more c
alright i instinctivly pressed the backspace after a mistake
no more s backapce c
no more time to correct but thqt also will leave the space to explain mistakes which is also kinda fun as well.. the 1 is pressed in refference to the 1 that was a mistake i wanted to press q and there we have the real letter we wanted to get to in the first place
ok so like i typed a q in there because my finger was overextedned and the rest of that shit was not knowing how far wawy the thing aws and now im making mistakes of the order of the letters in the sentence.. the www word was giving in unp up in blahh.. giving up in the middle of trying to fix something
the giving in was a mistake of translation from my head to the keyboard.. i was supposed to type giving up but my mind dskimmed over the word up and i just erased the word end in not end in ..
that mayhap been uqite confusing but also probably not.. i recently started to run into the problem of not knowing exactly hwich words im trying to type and that is leading me to wnat to swicht watrds in the middle of the word but that is not what i’m going to do
i’m goin gto stop explaingin mistakes and start typing faster to more portray the meaning of the meaningless and there wer ree re we w e we we w ew
fun we wgenuoprwehunoawpj
wowo i was tying to type fuck and i typed fun.. and that’s the fucking ego trying to take over and pretty everything up
anyway i’m starteing to tuse f th e tiofsmioa pfsji ospdfj
im tstnasrnujsfap nsdf
i’m starting ut
i’m starting to use the backspace more.. i htink i can do more return instad of backspace
but maybio maybe not
do you know that i was and am and was and will and also waht for am gettting to a point about the ego
the ego that was a part of the move and movie andn and and movie and moaivelanenea
that last one was givverish as compared to when i spa slap the keyboard in frustration… the frustration looks like this fjiaopw jrioupeh
the gibberish looks like this… golobers
just more revfference and i am not now not not now i am now putting v’s instread of f’s… instead that’s a fun word to type it goes low high and that’s pointoless.. pointless pointless
i’m listening to music and i’m trying to not type what they are singingingingingingn
so the ego is the inner monologue and that thing is normally on silent in my mind.. the guy in the movie was tying to fight against the voice in his head.. but they didn’t really say to what end.. other than that one part where hwe was like I CONTROL YOU bitch lol
so like being in control of the inner voice is like a flex or whatnot
but when i’m what i’m wonderwing is that what is the nexxt step..
like if the ego is the reason for all agression towards fellow man in the fasion of enimies and such.. like what does when
what does one do when you have control over the voice
i wanted to type that clean
my mind fingers wouldn’t let me. i used backspace..
there was even a part in the movie where it was like, you gotta cause your innervoice pain baby … like do what it hates.. but like to what end? the ego is interesting .. i feel like when one controls the inner voice they can then type withoiut ababdon and fear not the ego betraying them nor their trust
but when one is not in control of the ego.. i want to see what they type and i’ll analyze it and get back to you on the results..
maybe i should read some of the old blogs and watch how i insult myself and then i would have my hanswer hanswer lol
i make less mistakes these days but i don’t know why that is exactly.. maybe it’s in the position of the keybord or the repititon of certain words.. the pattern of typing them is in my hand memory or something.. reflex is strange af..
also i don’t type that fast.. i tried to take those words per minute tests and i am not fast.. some of the things were hard and had punctuation and you have to get everything right before you can move on or you get point s off
i was only able to get like 32 words per minute.. some lucky times 40 but people are closing in on 60 and 80
there’s a new keyboard that uses 10 keys.. like a weird glove and i watched a dude type the spead of speach and it was unbelievable
i should llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL
yeah this is over
good talk