This a fake markdown yo
I often forget my accomplishments.. They are documented or whatever (on You Tweeted You Meaned It) but forgetting is leading me to think differently.. which was the point of going to the heart chakra.. but also i feel like it's the fork in the road where i ascend or descend depending on my choices.. and a clear ring in my head is saying descend.. because the heart chakra isn't where you find your other, but where you keep them after you've found them.. to find your desire, you may want to work in the chakra that deals with desire..
so descend lower is the game plan.. and this becomes undocumented.. a thought in passing a fork in the road..
self indulging the previously indulged including myself.. who has seen the beginnings and the waves and the swells.. to be calmed with the calming of the waters and confused at the cyclones .. perception war veterans who never imagined perception stretching in so many directions in their youth.. to those searching over the cliff of self doubt raised on the mountain of our country's faults.. like fault line.. like faults like the ones that make mountains.. not faults like causality.. but also faults like causality..
from ontop a cliff of self doubt, the ocean may seem fierce.. there are many things working as buffers in the waves.. crashing waves right before their peaks .. disrupting waves and stopping swells..
that was a different conversation working its way into what is now becoming something like a blog.. i should have stopped earlier.. why you let me keep typing facebook?? descent is the main point.. heart chakra has allowed me to love myself and humanity or whatnot.. i needa go deeper.. 'k
i didn't even do the thing where i reread the whole thing and then make sure it's safe for human consumption.. by the way I'll be hosting Redux tomorrow.. WE RAISING MONEY FOR HAUL OF FAME GO FUND ME!!!!!!!!!!
that didn't make this safe for human consumption but was rather a note that a zombie come forth by day mothafucka is gonna be hosting an open mic..
so in order to make this safe for human consumption i guess i'll say 'safe for human consumption ' like three or four times and then it'll be a little more and less understood that this isn't meant for harm nor construction nor destruction nor helpfullness.. helpfullness?? what tthe fuck.. whatever this is what it isn't mostly.. but also its slightly what it is.. you know how that goes..
if ever I wanted to type blogs about nothing then i should do it on the blogs where i type blogs about nothing.. theres something soothing about typing the same sentence over and over again.. t here's something that reminds me of being punished in school and writing lines.. did writing lines in school teach me how to meditate?? it feels like one of those fuck ;you learn how to meditate in the most boring way possible.. accomplish the mystical through the mundane.. and there we have the peak of this message.. I bet you thought we peaked so long ago.. but really this was all about finding the mystical through the mundane.. which is why i need to get more mundane than i imaginned when i was running the universe.. which never really stops happenning but consciously.. anyway more mundane in the lower three chakras.. i don't think i could confine myself to one of them for a number of years.. i am pretty sure i'm going to just generalize this shit as a general being in the lower half of my chakras.. ya know?/
if you squeeze the mundane you may just end up with something mystical.. and if that's not what i called the meaning of this whole thing that could have been a blog and probably wasn't read by anyone but me and me cus imnotjustme.. com lol fb.con\imnotjustme.. get at me let's go on the journy together but sepreate cus all is self and stuff.. illusion of seperation taken to the poles of cause and effect.. i felt so smart when i wrote that..
and to think The Totallity of Human Experience was a quote and not something cool i came up with myself... shame.. but also
lets not forget what this was about really and truly and not forget what life is about really and truly. and not forget what we have already forgotten
and i don't know why i'm talking about talking.. cus im not talking im typing and that's some weird thing cus i'm stream of consciousness typing but whatever i'm talking to you in a voi\ce that's in your own head but let us never forget why i started talking about talking because i'm not supposed to be talking about whether we forget nor remember things..
its not about what you remember.. it's about how you perceieve the now and the then and the later...
perception war.. I may always feel like i was smarter in the past.. but also i feel like i know more in the present.. smarter and knowing more are not as related as i'd first think them to be.. i was way smartter when i didn't know what the fuck was going on..
this is gone from safe for human consumption into something not so many humans would consume in the first place,., i kinda feel like i'm going to steal this from facebook and post it on my blog as a cheat.. i'm going to cheat and i'm going to like it because that's what my desire is and i'm going to be used to filling my desire in the lower chakra area.. desire and Id and ego.. me me and myself.. the lovely body and mind.. my mundane self wants this as a blog on my website and I shall have it.. to bring the mystical out of the mundane and to document the progress
yall remember when i identified as mostly villain..? like so much credit was taken for so much destruction.. i took it and transmuted all that energy and made art... then i was like never mind, I'm just the meme guy who posts psychology and occult memes! then i started to find the love and the truth in the heart chakra changing my whole persona and outlook on life?
sometimes things forgotten don't need to be brought up but geess.. if you made it here.. lets celebrate with the full perspective
i assumed i'd find love and a girlfriend in the heart chakra as this new loving christ being.. as the christ i thought mary magdalin was around the corner waiting to wash my feet.. but turns out Jesus loved everyone and that didn't help that nigga much.. I needed to become the christ in order to have a more balanced life when i did get to the lower chakras.. can you imagine if me the villain were to start listening to my base desires?!? it would have been way more supperhurricanes and lots more floods and natural disasters
I got myself clean in the heart chakra and now i can listen to what are not more or less christ like desires.. or heart chakra washed desires.. like the simple desire to transfer all this into blog on my page.. like the simple desire to manipulate people's perceptions.. like the simple desire to find someone worthy of building universes with me..
and maybe one day I too can find the mystical through searching the mundane..