Markdown markdown you fancy thing
I finally realize what you do!
count on me to count on you
- 1.
Do you do science?
I think people who do science are strange.
I think people who follow the rules are strange
I think people are strange
Im strange
We are proving this thing that's been proved already.
no one is getting better at it. No one is coming up with any new perspectives..
We stopped reading books so we arent epp to call someone out on their bull shit. We can't say "You didnt read this book" because we didn't read the book either.
The scrolls the anchent shit explaines a lot of tings to the people of earth
explanations on our world were written a long time ago
What are we doing now?
I'm listeining to a guy saying tahat if we are honest and stuff we weill eventually see that there was something going on before the dark ages.. connecting to the great year 13:20 frequency. But he aint saying BLACK people ABORIGVINAL people he just like back then they we . but he wannt to talk about being honest with outselfsv
He wants to talk about the telepathic ageeeeeee common knolege that we souls and shit .. EGYPT WAS ALL ON THAT SHIIZZETT Hermes trimugestist the greeks knewe it tooo .
prevelent all alreound the world because the africans told everyone else and they twisted the information aginst them and enslavesd them and their onw people into the timeframe of 12:60 bull shti
electrnos haveconsciousness bittcchheess
We are not meant to be sepreated from the magnetic field we are in? is that what your are saying mister esoteric knoledge guy?
why north aint north den s
I'm livetweeting on a blog. bad form
"there is nothing here that goes against the fact that man has free will" just put a damnper in whoole argument uya know ya say that there is some bigger picture we are all commneected but somehow we still have free will to move where ever and you provide no explanation how can these two things exist together? connected so deeply that ancienct peeps knew 13:20 calendar but at the same time free enough to live in hawaii
I don't understand how you putinfor together and thing then ai sisai siaisuseueaijfa ji that is what happens
I hate when I type a word wrong but it ends up being another word
Did you know electrons and atoms are in consistaint communication with eachotoher? No matter the distantce they know and ocommunicate. smoething going fasta than light my bo
Cus it's all us baby You talkin about noticing shit and complicating issues that was explaned twenty thousand years ago . accept that the mind is all and all is the mind
science says that the physical world we percieve is based on elecrrical impulses sent to our brains. that means we cannot trust what we saee to be litteral. holigram. holigram holagram holligram damnit fuck it that word is just a figment of my brain that doesnt work hollighram i wana died
That awkward monment where you stry try to say some things that you think are importaint but you can't spell moment
All these doctoars trying to take positions in their high castles and the artists play their fiddles the song of the swan . tahe swan sng if you will
We are on a ride and in this point of the ride we are tied down with a boot on our nkneck and the book is about to snap the spine but what will happen next?!?
what will they think of next. product placentme for that old commercial about somthing or other
ever write a conncusion but are not happyu with signing off in a cool way
stick eto it till it can't be stuck no more
also the youtube video just ended..
The Lows are Equal to the Highs.
Euasion equasion equasion equacionscion
you take a speleling tiest and leave me aling
to remain humbeled in a world ful of riches is the path of the rivhious
eaet of my fruit but not too much for no good deed goes unpunished