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here we are again
i don't want to type much because im working on something that needs me to type/write things.. so i feel like everytime i write/type some dialog it's wasted speech that should be on the project that i havent finished.. this dialog would make a strange song though.. so is it a waste or am i just insane? i don't know but in the mean time between figuringout my prpoblems here we ahve a sthing thing that is about how i am working on a mixtape and i will be putting information into it untill it ubb bursts in flavor and sound and smell.. then i wsill will be back to producing written word in sense and grandure and amazing balls and such but till then i guess you will have to settle for podcast me and twitter me and facebook me and not blog me because blog me seems to be tired and boeyond help and needed to make songs that i hav no faith in because i have no faith in faith god damn.. cold blooded b;ut i want to write these songs so i can record them because mixtpaes arent supposed to be this god damn serious im putting so muhc into this mixtape and its not feeling good .. but does birth feel good? the drugs do the drugs do...