Flying Wheels

Markdown zi vouldn't spell qheelawaz welles wheels

under the sea  under the sea 

things going bump and live pleasantly 

under the sea dont wait for me 

because i cant breathe underwater.. 



wanted to gtyepsomething up and be present in this time of time and moment of present 

i wanted to tyep in the past bnut bnut sounds cool..  but I didn't say 

i didn't allot my time 

i didn't allow myself to type to you 

now im trying to not allow myself to type correctly but thies sentence almost waent percefect 


im not in trance ..  idk if i have to say that now 

i think most of the time i admit when im about to do that so maybe i don't have to say im not not not doing it at the not moment not 

interesting things are happening in my head and on the earth same

things are flying  and that song comes into my head. the arctic monkeys   i recently learned to spell their name on youtube..   but yeah crying lightning came into my head because i said flying and flying almost kinda reminds me of crying lightning ...  like i was goinng to say flying lightlingn  nbufdnsuapjfs because that's how i thought the song went untill i rememnered it was a song and then went into the process of tying this paragrahph out and got to sing half the song inside my head and realized when i got back to the chorus simultaniously i was finishing my quip about youtube teaching me to spell arctic which is a really tricky word for me then while singing the song i typed my folly and the relization of the incorrect word.. the end of the songs relevance in my head sparked the path into explaining the mundane becuas I enjoy transparency and don't like deleting anything or leaving a side out...   so i finished flying lightning joke and fucked up completly byu starting the word because with an N.. this event put me in a mood.  I slammed the keyboard and finished my thought but never really did finish my thought because the energy has justs arived baby  fuck i can't spell areieve arive araive fuck ..  #DontFeelDumn  fuck fuck   cummonnnnmannn  ..   THENN  i was giving the tonglashing the finginers deserved when one of my fingers rebelled and rested on the rubber mouse in the middle of the laptop keyboard, deleting the whole paragraph... I paniced. fuck sqwwapoiu f sweeping my mind for a soulition ..  Ctrl Z!!!  so apparently control z works on this blog format thing im typing on..   got most of my paragraph back and started to type the rest of this bad boy right here that im in the moment typing..  



I re read that before proceeding 


I wanna trance  transeition 

bad idea to put the txt over there

so i awnna put my head down and type but maybe you shouldnt be sybjejcted to trying to decode this scabbel   for little to no point..   nbut wait so is life..  scrable though the rubbel   and  thin  then   thin   you get nothing really but maybe while you are alive you can do something that makes you happy while you are happy you are yhappy 

holy shit that got dark fast..  maybe i shouldn't trance type right now  lol 

i got too comfortable and im also listening to a lecture right now..  ive been listening to this lecture for probably an hour thirty minutes.   I wanna give some usurping advice to the usurpers out there

Usurper!  Be you proud if you say you deserve pride!  The foundation is sacred but not holy! 

enter me

always travel in circles.  beware of straight lines 

be wary of groups and organizations  for they can be easily targeted or become cults

usurp from the greatest. usurp from the most frightful. usurp from the most religious. usurp from the least. usurp from the most awe inspiring. usurp from the most evil. 

In no specific order for no specific amounts of time for no specific outcome. 

usurp gods kings rulers poets artists athletes nature 

be wary of sand traps..  some ideals promote themselves supremely true paralyzing those who feed from feeding elsewhere.   Imagine finding a water hole in the dessert that is a pretty great place. you were on your way somewhere but stop to drink and see a sign that says "the only water left on earth." some might say they would laugh, drink, and move on..  but others..  others will die protecting that water. others will build their life around the water. others still will sell the water and it's message to others.   This is a sand trap.   Nothing is true, All is permitted. this world IS happening but your perception dictates your reality. 

The practiced usurper should explore sandtraps for back doors and faults. 

Usurp from sand traps 

most of all usurp from yourselves. usurp from your inner child.  usurp from family ancestors. usurp from history. Usurp the universe. Usurp the world snake michael. usurp the illumened lucifer. 

A practed usurper is a polorized individual .  A practiced usurper is a magician .  A practiced usurper has a hunger.  A practiced usurper knows how to direct. 


circles.  never straight lines. 

fear nothing except your own judgment ye ol righteous god.