

 I noticed she grabbed a bottle from a good height on the shelf, not top, but not firewater either. "Respect". She turns and smiles. "Damn". That was her tip and she knows it, but I know something too. That smile wasn't courteous, I know a real smile when I see one. I wait, not moving a mussel as she sets the five shots in front of me. "Here you go" she decides to make eye contact. I shift in my seat and send my perfected smile her way. 

Head in the Bathroom

Head in the Bathroom

Your universe is asking how dedicated you are to your cause. We've all seen the movies where things seem to be going down hill, but it's really a test of the hero's persistence. "It's quiet... Too quiet."  Then Blam! you arch on your pole swing and the rhythm attempts to bring you back to humanity. The learned occultist will have these moments in check, for the learned occultist is 90% awake and aware at all times.