Animals don't cry so we as people won't precieve them as sad..
this is normal
this is still normal
id like to be coherent but there's so much noise...
"ive moved to a more rare position"
just so you know, im really comfortable right now.. im like laying down on a pillow comfortable .. like one eye lower than the other comfort .. like arms reaching out for the keyboard comfortable.. typing on keys type of comfort this is great and fantastic and theres still so much noise
lines waiting in lines at the bank and the lady behind me keeps being a person who wants my attention but at the same time doesn't want my attention.. talking oud so everyone knows is talking to me.. and it hurts my eears im not sensative to thought s but my pwerception is weird gotdd i got caught im my ego for a min
no more ego talking
by the way this is trance snuck up on me \ego
i wish there was a was to record the length of that pause and somehow relay it to the thought brain that sometimes gets to
eodo edo edo
anywyhows things going is that my ego too
fuck i ssisis
poop whats in the valt of understanding
nothing just poop and thats not cool to show to poeple
there have things
there have been things
and things have happened byt you are just reading about them and what the fuck does that even matter to anythign
you didnt see you are not me
ass hole fuck out of here if you ain t usparing
usuerpers only nigger
poopooo head cut
cut made me laugh
i like don't want to disrespect women and thats a problem i need to eb able to disrespect everyone equaly or maybe the problem is aaaaaaaahhhh shit
the problem is fisafsjpoi fadsjsd ja io psfdaj
the problem is that i thin k im a person who respects women
the problem is that i think i have a persona to uphold..
i think people
i think that poeople
i think that people's opinion on my respect for women is a high opinopn? fuck i killed the last part of that sentence.. shame
i got the point acfross.. if i stop thinking im the guy i think i am completely respect and all i can come out of the other side with greater understanding
and this is thre trick to see the end of the tunnel you plan to dive in to and thiennn fsa
then hy
then you dive of course and then you come out as planned and then it's over
but wait i gotta plan and stuff but wait you don't the mind will do it for you if you ask it and how do we ask by
repetiton trama and symbols.. so what shall we do to get rid of the white knight that lives in my brain? send in the tar and feathers?
maybe we lur him out with coffee and then posen him and eat him
maybe we just talk and work it out
mayne it's already done maybe i do everything more than once and turn a coin and then the moon comes in and starts licking on the bung hole and then the stars aline inside the twat and then crickets come out to plae the orgasm song of the winter because twelve dayus passed
under the river you can find smething interesting not your mind and not air and not water but waster is there and sometimes ebars are there too and sometimes yu ger to go to the zoo and the animals ook sad but sometimes they look sadder and sometimes they are dead but again we play the ticket and again we atch the show till the end
we watch the credits and hear the sounds of the end but no one dies then they wose go though imortality in a moment
imortality in a moment.. the picture.. so moa
many pictures being taken and miortalized and recap button workds great and seems to be clear as fuck and
do y squent at me like that you witch i don't understand what im seeing be clearer.. captain shipmates its why i love the sea so muh
laugh with me not at me these men respect me.. the boat is black and the drinks are warm.. sea is salty and our beds are warm
same word
cartoon vision of loreslorels undergarments
foolish freshness
whats the difference between evil and good? whats the difference between eveil and good whats the difference between eveil and good what s the differ ence between evil and good what s the difference between eveil and good whats the difference bewtween tievil and good whats the differaen vce ebtween eveail and good awhats thed differ enve a enterween ev eil and dogood awhats the diference abtowenen eiverill and egood whats ther differe f between evile ang tgood
evil works faster
evil is dark
evil is subconscious
evil is back
evil takes skill
good is manipulative.. good is slow
good is physical reahlm realm
good is untrue
evil is decisive.. good takes practice..
be a good nigger be a better magician