can't even
i bet you poop in a bowl
i am having difficulties that seem unforeseen and unfair. it feels almost as if flood waters are rising and falling at my walls.
breakfast is a good meal usually
sometimes i feel like im never wrong.. but i shouldn't feel that.. I should know that there is no wrong.. not that i pick the most moral things, but that there is no moral thing.
wet socks .. i like em
i don't know why i keep trying to enforce my truth.. this will help me mesh.. i havent been able to do stand up in a while.. it helps me measure how humanity feels about me..
I watch tv
mr robot really got a hold on me.. for one. spoiler alert but that nigga is a nigga for real that scene where he comes in like batman was to die for. I loved the surreal feeling they gave with the fading audio and visual.. and the dead eye stare the nigga has the whole time.. i love dead eyes..
issmeiamfow fapfsij
oh i remember the point.. he destroyed a truth by enforcing his truth and got beat up.. im surprised i don't get beat up.. but i guess im not good at destroying truth.. well......
also i am hella smart and accustomed to living in the present moment.. so smart and accustomed that i've structured my life to work for me in this moment..
i packed my life before i went on this metaphysical journey
ive before explained the phenomenon of thinking back on when the journey started and it goes further and further back each time.. before birth i was on this path.. my dna explains my exact path though existence if a nigga cared to get physical, but the thoughts are the important part
i've created black magic and am trapped into using it.. of course trapped is no where near the right word to describe coming into your nature and the nature of alchemy..
but then again.. im not stuck using the black magic if i can use the black magic to deaden my awareness of said black magic. thank you mr robot and brother panic for helping me connect that shit..
in effect i should be able to give myself a graduation ceremony of sorts.. to forgive myself of previously accomplished duties..
bobby h has been saying this in the videos i've watched.. We've already done everything niggas it's time to celebrate . and who celebrates by breaking everything down into sciences?? I've accomplished WOKE and if I really believe it I should no longer have to enforce my truth..
I'll still be doing black magic but less enforcement.. less rules .. less drama please and thank me.