We are lost in a grand markdown
understand this
- you are playing
- you can grow your awareness
- must grasp the game
Forget This
- Every Thing You Know
- Numbers
- Facts
- Good Bad Morality
- never let go
ii had the feeling i needed to tupe some of that out
iwent on a mission and completed it but onwo i feel aa lisignt obligation to actually portay information
fuck your feeling s
boo im not a boo
not just me
this program can be a bother
I've stopped to meditate and pull out some hair.. i didn't explain the art of not playing
I don't have to explain anything but i feel like i should at least let you know what the game is..
should it be in a puzzle or a rhyme or a riddle that you'll never never get in time should i tell you in the future in the past or out of time? typing gets so boring when it happens in lines
there is a game going on
i said all this on twitter
i said this in my music and so many other people have said it in so many other ways .. it's ridiculous ya know?
i spelled that word right and feel quite good about myself.. i just realized that i can trance type while having my eyes open and i can also erase the mistakes i make when i roll though like a gangsta got no cerfew gona roll over you into the big sunny blue water beach that i say adie to in the due boo eat my shoe
so that was stupid
but it isn't playing the game.. the game doesn't like this type of though because this thought is dangerout and infuencial or maybe im just in my head i realized if i didn't correct that i could go faster so that i should stop tryin gto spell the big words right wor worry about some weird spacing and now im in my head again i w as trying to say something about the game
so the game is happening and it has alawys neek safj been happening abd sd afjiof
pooo that ees
so the game
the game the game the game it's liek ejfsao like /b/
if you think of the game you lose
the real game if you put energy into humanity you loose
energy is to be givin to the core.. internal work is the name of the game cadet
consume all energy and be strong an shit
i slowed down at some point.. gotta pick up speed and vibration thies got boring
ya know how you can not understand the meaning of a movie..? well sometimes i feel like i made this movie and i star in it but I'm still curious to see how it plays out.. and that's a cavaleer aditude that is so deer for this hologram.. I love to see you pretty faces we dance in the sund sowhat
girrafe tounge orchestra
blood moon rises
Humanity game is good and evil.. polarity is a big sand trap for a lot of people ..
humanity presents the opportunity to pick good or evil over and over and over and over and over and over and most humans play the game.. i pick good i pick evil i pick good i pick good i pick good i pick evil i pick evil i pick good and so on
the trick with the first level of the game is that you don't need to play.. both good and evil are the wrong answer...
once you stop playing humanity's good and evil game.. humanity steps up to level two..
opportunity,,. here's an opportunity for You to be good or evil .. since you know what good and evil is, do it. manipulate..
you may be familiar with Karma? This is one of the second or third levels of humanity's game.. you don't have to play
You don't have to play with karma... humanity will say. Don't you have to answer for your good and evil? don't you have to answer for your manipulations? don't they have to answer for their people's trandsgressions?!? don't we all have to answer to some higher power?!?
simply beat this level by also not playing the game.. take that energy internal use it as fuel understanding that you just overcame Karma by not playing
the art of not playing
thank you thank you
I don't believe in truth
thank you thank you
learn how not to play humanity mind trick games
thank you
learn to keep your energy inside and out of reach to the dimiurge vacume
nothing should be conscidered outside of your reach
if you can SEE it, It Is You
if you can see it's internal workings, you you you
how else would you recignize it? don't you know yourself?
personal truth > Global Truth..
now go forth and multiply